Cenote Oxman, where life is born

Posted on mayo 18, 2023 by Eduardo

About 10 minutes by car from the city center is the Hacienda “San Lorenzo”, in Valladolid, Yucatan, that lodges in its property the magical cenote Oxman, that with its unparalleled beauty incites those who look at it from above to immerse themselves in its waters.

Upon arrival, the first thing that welcomes you is the imposing and colorful hacienda, which you can enter paying only the swim in the cenote, 60 pesos, or the use of the facilities, which include changing rooms, bathrooms, swimming pool with wading pool and restaurant for 150 pesos, of which 50 are reimbursable in consumption.

Following the signs you will find the pool, ideal for those wishing to warm up after swimming in the cold waters of the cenote, that is a few steps back, and that you should enter after rinsing in one of the outdoor showers.

This measure is mandatory, especially if you are wearing sunscreen, mosquito repellent, deodorant, perfumes, creams or any chemical that can severely contaminate the water.

To get to the cenote you must go down at least 70 steps, and although you can get a little tired, the view of the beautiful indigo blue of its waters will return the energy, either to go down to swim down the stairs or throwing yourself with a rope.

Like all cenotes, the water is cold, but after swimming for a while you forget it and enjoy the beautiful experience, which makes you understand why these were scenarios of great importance for the Mayan people since ancient times, considering them portals or windows to the world of dead.

The cenotes can be considered as an oasis in the middle of the jungle, springs of peace and energy, places where magic emanates as a mirage from the deepest reaches of the earth in the form of pristine and crystalline water, qualities that the “Oxman” cenote clearly possesses.

After swimming (you can also snorkel) and if you are hungry, you can go up to the pool area, where you can sit at one of the tables with palapa and order something from the restaurant, which for the price of your food and drinks will leave you very happy, everything is delicious and enough.

Undoubtedly, the Hacienda “San Lorenzo” is the ideal place if you are looking to spend a nice day with your family and / or friends, as well as knowing the beautiful cenote “Oxman” you can enjoy its gardens and pool for a very reasonable price.

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